Your Life. Organized. Best system for organizing your personal and financial documents and life GET ORGANIZED! Your Life. Organized. Best system for organizing your personal and financial documents and life BUY THE ORGANIZER Your Life. Organized. Best system for organizing your personal and financial documents and life BUY THE ORGANIZER

Your Life. Organized. Best system for organizing your personal and financial documents and life BUY THE ORGANIZER Your Life. Organized. Best system for organizing your personal and financial documents and life BUY THE ORGANIZER Your Life. Organized. Best system for organizing your personal and financial documents and life BUY THE ORGANIZER

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What is EOMO?

EOMO is the best estate planning workbook and organizational system for all ages. Getting organized has never been easier. Keeping good personal and financial records protects us and our loved ones from expected and unimaginable life events.



Easy to use Checklists and Worksheets



Buy It Once. Keep It for a Lifetime.


Digital Only

  • Digital Access

Worksheets & Checklists

Fillable Forms

Online Resources

Save It Your Way

Secure It Your Way

Print It Your Way

Tax Included


Binder Pack

  • Paper Copy & Thumb Drive

Executive Binder

Worksheets & Checklists (Paper Copy)

Thumb Drive (Loaded with fillable PDF Worksheets & Checklists)

Index Tabs

9 File Folders with 90 Pre-Printed Labels

Zip Storage Envelope

Online Resources

Save It Your Way

Secure It Your Way

Tax, Shipping & Handling Included


Digital & Binder Combo

  • Digital Access,  Paper Copy and Thumb Drive

Executive Binder

Worksheets & Checklists (Paper Copy)

Fillable PDF Worksheeets & Checklists (Digital Access)

Thumb Drive (Loaded with fillable PDF Worksheets & Checklists)

Index Tabs

9 File Folders with 90 Pre-Printed Labels

Zip Storage Envelope

Online Resources

Save It Your Way

Secure It Your Way

Tax, Shipping & Handling Included

What Our Customers Are Saying

Thank you. EOMO saved my life and saved my unmarried daughter’s life.  Never thought about getting her paper work in order, and she is an EMT. This system is not just for my generation. Our adult children need it, too!

Linda Washington DC

I am filling out the Estate of Mine Organizer so that if anything were to happen to me, my family will know all of my passwords, my bank accounts, my insurance policies and where to find every important paper including tax information and my will. They will also know that Katy DOES get the ring!

Riki Washington, DC

The Estate of Mine Organizer is more important than ever because if any of us gets this virus, we cannot see or talk to our family if we are in the ICU.  The organizer is extremely detailed, and I have to admit it gives me piece of mind that if something should happen, everything will be done the way I want, and my family will have the EOMO organizer with everything written down.

David Missouri

It’s critical for women to have access to key financial information – and passwords to electronic records and devices.

Judy Pennsylvania

What a fabulous idea! I have been putting this off for my entire adult life. I now have a clear understanding of our affairs. I had such limited knowledge of our affairs before we started using the EOMO system. Now, I no longer want to die before my husband!

Gerry Arizona

Until I started doing my EOMO, I did not realize the important documents that were missing and what I needed to update.  My beneficiaries, which I did long before I was married, were outdated.

Joyce New York

I’ve been looking for an organizer to help our Reserve and National Guard who can be deployed with little advance notice to get their affairs in order. I found the EOMO system. It’s perfect for them and their families.

Lonnie Virginia

My partner and I have a complicated household. Our EOMO focused our conversation and efforts on getting our affairs in order so that our wishes will be honored.

Howard Illinois 

The Six Life Themes

Getting organized is not limited to our financial life. It is much more. EOMO spans the six areas of life. We refer to them as "Life Themes."

Personal Life

KEEP TRACK OF personal information. Worksheets record passwords, personal contacts, digital goods, and personal identification.


Financial Life

KEEP TRACK OF financial information. Worksheets record assets, liabilities, credit card numbers, bill payments, bank accounts, insurance policies, financial advisor/contacts, home safe box and safe deposit contents and codes; and business ownerships.

Healthful Life

KEEP TRACK OF health information. Worksheets record medical, dental and prescription plans; medication inventory; end of life orders (e.g., Do not Resuscitate Order), health care designations, powers of attorney, health care professionals and health history.

Social Life

KEEP TRACK OF social living. Worksheets record membership and subscriptions to sporting, recreation, cultural, educational events and programs; and religious affiliations.


Home Life

KEEP TRACK OF residences, investment and commercial property. Worksheets record personal possessions, service providers, warranties, property and deed locations, alarm code(s), and trusted neighbor contacts.

End of Life

KEEP TRACK OF end-of-life wishes. Worksheets record memorial service, burial and funeral arrangements, burial deeds and contact information.


Here's Why You Need the Estate of Mine Organizational System

Know what you have

Are your decisions based on knowing the details of your personal estate? Who knows your decisions and where to find your vital documents if you were not here tomorrow?

Know Where it Is

Your information is useless if it's not easily found - make sure you can find what you need, when you need it.

Know What You Need

After using our Organizer, you'll know where the missing pieces are.

Identify and Locate your "Must Have” Information

  • Financial accounts
  • Passwords
  • Wills, trusts, and insurance policies
  • Advisor and emergency contacts
  • Home Possessions and warranties
  • Utilities and service providers
  • Philanthropic interests
  • Health care needs
  • Medications
  • Physician contacts
  • Advance Directives and DNRs
  • End of life wishes

Our Commitment & Security

You're in Control

You choose how to secure your documents. The information is for you and your trusted delegates, only.

We Respect Privacy

Client information is not shared, sold or rented to third parties.

We're here to Help

We know taking the first step is challenging, and we're here to support you along the way.
